NeAT - compare-classes

Compare two classifications (clustering results, functional classes, ...), and assess the statistical significance of common members between each pair of classes.
This program was developed Jacques van Helden, with a contribution of Joseph Tran for a first prototype.

Comment on the demonstration example

This demonstration consists in the comparaison between clusters obtained after application of the MCL clustering algorithm to the Gavin et al (2006) interaction network and the complexes annotated in the MIPS database.

Query classesReference classes
Upload query classes from file :
Upload reference classes from file :
Score column (optional; if specified, must be valid for both query and reference classes)
Compare query classes to reference classes
Compare query classes to query classes (do not specify reference classes)

Output options
   Output format
Class pairs
Reference/query matrix
Class pairsReference/query matrix
Return fields

Thresholds Lower Upper
Query size
Reference size
Intersection size
Jaccard similarity
Sorensen similarity
Mutual information
Dot product
(Only relevant if a score column is specified)

Jaccard similarity
Sorensen similarity
Dot product
Mutual information