-- dump date 20120504_140832 -- class Genbank::CDS -- table cds_note -- id note YP_002922929.1 required for biotin synthase activity; COG0716 YP_002922930.1 uncertain polar amino acid substrates; COG0834 YP_002922931.1 uncertain polar amino acid substrates; COG0765 YP_002922932.1 uncertain polar amino acid substrates; COG0765 YP_002922934.1 C terminal truncation; COG3710 YP_002922935.1 N terminal truncation YP_002922936.1 class II; LysRS2; catalyzes a two-step reaction, first charging a lysine molecule by linking its carboxyl group to the alpha-phosphate of ATP, followed by transfer of the aminoacyl-adenylate to its tRNA; in Methanosarcina barkeri, LysRS2 charges both tRNA molecules for lysine that exist in this organism and in addition can charge the tRNAPyl with lysine in the presence of LysRS1 YP_002922937.1 COG1186 YP_002922939.1 COG0013 YP_002922940.1 post-translational activator of flhDC expression, regulates biofilm formation, RNA-binding; COG1551 YP_002922941.1 the Vibrio parahaemolyticus gene VP2867 was found to be a potassium/proton antiporter; can rapidly extrude potassium against a potassium gradient at alkaline pH when cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli YP_002922942.1 required for chromosome resolution and partitioning; COG1674 YP_002922944.1 inhibits FtsZ ring formation; COG0850 YP_002922945.1 COG2894 YP_002922946.1 COG0851 YP_002922947.1 COG0057 YP_002922948.1 COG0628 YP_002922949.1 COG0468 YP_002922950.1 COG2360 YP_002922951.1 COG0654 YP_002922952.1 Involved in mRNA degradation. Hydrolyzes single-stranded polyribonucleotides processively in the 3' to 5' direction YP_002922953.1 COG1985 YP_002922954.1 COG1327 YP_002922955.1 helicase/nuclease; with RecBC catalyzes the exonucleolytic cleavage of DNA; RecD has 5' to 3' helicase activity YP_002922956.1 helicase/nuclease; with RecCD catalyzes the exonucleolytic cleavage of DNA; RecD has 5' to 3' helicase activity YP_002922957.1 catalyzes ATP-dependent exonucleolytic cleavage in either 5'- to 3'- or 3'- to 5'-direction to yield 5'-phosphooligonucleotides; component of the RecBCD (Exo V) helicase/nuclease complex that is essential for recombination YP_002922958.1 possible prepilin peptidase YP_002922960.1 possibly in type IV pilin biogenesis; COG4795 YP_002922961.1 COG2165 YP_002922963.1 COG0362 YP_002922964.1 COG1210 YP_002922965.1 YegA; inner membrane protein involved in the assembly of outer membrane proteins (OMPs); asmA-null mutants show low lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels, suggesting a role in LPS biogenesis and/or in restricting outer membrane fluidity, resulting on altered assembly of OMPs YP_002922966.1 COG0717 YP_002922967.1 Transfers the fatty acyl group on membrane lipoproteins YP_002922969.1 COG4535 YP_002922970.1 COG0319 YP_002922971.1 COG0451 YP_002922972.1 COG0166 YP_002922973.1 COG0477 YP_002922974.1 COG0477 YP_002922975.1 COG0605 YP_002922976.1 COG0149 YP_002922977.1 COG1018 YP_002922978.1 COG2900 YP_002922979.1 COG1217 YP_002922980.1 important in general stress response; COG0271 YP_002922981.1 involved in removal of stalled replication fork with Rh-like domain; COG2974 YP_002922982.1 COG0316 YP_002922983.1 with SufCD activates cysteine desulfurase SufS YP_002922984.1 part of SUF system involved in inserting iron-sulfur clusters into proteins; in Escherichia coli this protein forms a complex with SufBD; the SufBCD complex stimulates the cysteine desulfurase SufS in conjunction with SufE YP_002922985.1 COG0719 YP_002922986.1 COG0520 YP_002922987.1 COG2166 YP_002922988.1 COG0109 YP_002922990.1 COG3125 YP_002922991.1 COG1845 YP_002922992.1 COG0843 YP_002922993.1 COG1622 YP_002922994.1 catalyzes the formation of 2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-5-hydroxy-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinol from 2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinol; functions in the biosynthesis of ubiquinone or coenzyme Q YP_002922995.1 COG0439 YP_002922996.1 COG0511 YP_002922997.1 COG0757 YP_002922998.1 tryptophan sensitive; catalyzes the formation of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-hept-2-ulosonate 7 phosphate from phosphoenolpyruvate and D-erythrose 4-phosphate YP_002922999.1 COG2168 YP_002923000.1 COG2923 YP_002923001.1 COG1553 YP_002923002.1 COG0545 YP_002923004.1 COG1054 YP_002923005.1 forms a complex with SecD and YajC; SecDFyajC stimulates the proton motive force-driven protein translocation; seems to modulate the cycling of SecA by stabilizing its membrane-inserted state and appears to be required for the release of mature proteins from the extracytoplasmic side of the membrane; in some organisms, such as Bacillus subtilis, SecD is fused to SecF YP_002923006.1 part of the preprotein secretory system; when complexed with proteins SecF and YajC, SecDFyajC stimulates the proton motive force-driven protein translocation, and appears to be required for the release of mature proteins from the extracytoplasmic side of the membrane YP_002923007.1 COG1862 YP_002923008.1 COG0343 YP_002923009.1 COG0809 YP_002923010.1 detoxification of hydroperoxides; COG0450 YP_002923011.1 COG2853 YP_002923012.1 COG2937 YP_002923013.1 COG0513 YP_002923014.1 COG0526 YP_002923015.1 COG0304 YP_002923016.1 for glutathione-dependent ribonucleotide reductase; COG0695 YP_002923017.1 dapE-encoded N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase (DapE), catalyzes the hydrolysis of N-succinyl-L,Ldiaminopimelate L,L-SDAP to L,L-diaminopimelate and succinate. It is a metalloprotease containing dinuclear active sites. Its structure is similar to the carboxypeptidase G2 from Pseudomonas sp. strain RS-16 and the aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica. YP_002923018.1 COG1393 YP_002923020.1 COG0218 YP_002923023.1 catalyzes the formation of L-glutamate and an aromatic oxo acid from an aromatic amino acid and 2-oxoglutarate YP_002923024.1 COG0537 YP_002923025.1 COG3417 YP_002923026.1 COG1643 YP_002923027.1 COG0108 YP_002923028.1 weakly similar to Wolbachia metallopeptidase YP_002923029.1 COG0505 YP_002923030.1 COG0458 YP_002923031.1 COG4115 YP_002923034.1 COG0023 YP_002923035.1 COG0284 YP_002923036.1 COG2956 YP_002923037.1 COG3771 YP_002923038.1 COG0671 YP_002923039.1 COG0807 YP_002923040.1 COG0861 YP_002923041.1 COG2077 YP_002923042.1 COG1197 YP_002923043.1 part of the ATP-dependent transport system LolCDE; responsible for the localization of lipoproteins to the periplasmic surface of the outer membrane YP_002923044.1 COG1136 YP_002923045.1 COG4591 YP_002923046.1 COG1886 YP_002923048.1 weak similarity and syntenic to ssaO from SPI-2 YP_002923049.1 COG1157 YP_002923050.1 with SsaC forms part of a protein export system across the inner and outer cell membranes; part of the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2; part of the type III secretion system YP_002923055.1 COG4669 YP_002923059.1 COG2207 YP_002923062.1 weak similarity and syntenic to sseD from SPI-2 YP_002923065.1 weak similarity and syntenic to sseB from SPI-2 YP_002923066.1 weak similarity and syntenic to ssaE from SPI-2 YP_002923068.1 COG1450 YP_002923069.1 weak similarity and syntenic to ssaB (spiC) from SPI-2 YP_002923070.1 COG0642 YP_002923071.1 COG2197 YP_002923072.1 COG0024 YP_002923073.1 COG2171 YP_002923074.1 COG1611 YP_002923076.1 COG0608 YP_002923077.1 COG4811 YP_002923078.1 hosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system catalyzes the phosphorylation of incoming sugar substrates concomitant with their translocation across the cell membrane; IID with IIC forms the translocation channel YP_002923079.1 COG3715 YP_002923080.1 COG3444 YP_002923081.1 COG0112 YP_002923084.1 membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complex; involved in the tonB-independent uptake of group A colicins YP_002923085.1 membrane spanning protein in TolA-TolQ-TolR complex; involved in the tonB-independent uptake of group A colicins YP_002923086.1 required for outer membrane integrity, uptake of group A colicins, role in translocation of filamenous phage DNA to cytoplasm, role in surface expression of O-antigen YP_002923087.1 forms dimers; may be involved in cell envelope integrity; interacts with outer membrane proteins and with the C-terminal domain of inner membrane protein TolA YP_002923088.1 required for outer membrane integrity, uptake of group A colicins, and translocation of phage DNA; COG2885 YP_002923089.1 COG1729 YP_002923090.1 similar to pHD5AT gene HDEF_p0006; COG2850 YP_002923092.1 COG3535 YP_002923093.1 COG0145 YP_002923097.1 colanic acid synthesis; COG1109 YP_002923100.1 COG0451 YP_002923101.1 weakly similar to Firmicutes hypothetical gene YP_002923106.1 COG0451 YP_002923107.1 COG1087 YP_002923111.1 COG0615 YP_002923115.1 C terminal truncation; COG3475 YP_002923123.1 COG0276 YP_002923124.1 COG0825 YP_002923125.1 COG0587 YP_002923126.1 COG0602 YP_002923127.1 transcriptional regulator of cryptic genes for curli formation and fibronectin binding; involved in the expression of csgBA which is involved in curli formation; interacts with sigmaS YP_002923128.1 COG0171 YP_002923129.1 COG0037 YP_002923130.1 COG3137 YP_002923134.1 COG0330 YP_002923135.1 COG0525 YP_002923136.1 COG2927 YP_002923137.1 COG0260 YP_002923138.1 COG0795 YP_002923139.1 COG0795 YP_002923140.1 OmpA is believed to be a porin, involved in diffusion of nonspecific small solutes across the outer membrane. It is the most abundant integral protein of the outer membrane of E. coli, and it is known to play a role as a phage receptor, a mediator of F-factor dependent conjugation, and in maintaining the structural shape of the outer membrane; 3a; II*; G; d YP_002923141.1 COG0449 YP_002923142.1 COG1207 YP_002923143.1 COG0818 YP_002923144.1 COG2194 YP_002923145.1 COG1253 YP_002923147.1 COG1663 YP_002923149.1 affects expression of rpoS and uspA; COG1278 YP_002923150.1 COG2835 YP_002923151.1 COG1212 YP_002923152.1 COG0606 YP_002923155.1 cotnains P-loop with nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase domain; COG2804 YP_002923157.1 COG1450 YP_002923158.1 weakly similar to general secretion pathway protein C YP_002923168.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923170.1 COG2337 YP_002923171.1 N and C terminal truncations; COG2369 YP_002923172.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923174.1 COG4691 YP_002923175.1 COG1487 YP_002923178.1 COG0776 YP_002923179.1 weakly similar to Sodalis hypothetical protein YP_002923180.1 COG0588 YP_002923181.1 COG2274 YP_002923182.1 COG0596 YP_002923183.1 COG3057 YP_002923184.1 COG0838 YP_002923185.1 COG0377 YP_002923186.1 NuoCD; NDH-1 shuttles electrons from NADH, via FMN and iron-sulfur (Fe-S) centers, to quinones in the respiratory chain; subunits NuoCD, E, F, and G constitute the peripheral sector of the complex; in Escherichia coli this gene encodes a fusion protein of NuoC and NuoD that are found separate in other organisms YP_002923187.1 COG1905 YP_002923188.1 shuttles electrons from NADH, via FMN and iron-sulfur (Fe-S) centers, to quinones in the respiratory chain; NuoF is part of the soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment, which represents the electron input part of NADH dehydrogenase YP_002923189.1 COG2274 YP_002923190.1 COG0845 YP_002923191.1 COG2274 YP_002923192.1 COG0161 YP_002923196.1 weakly similar to Providencia hypothetical protein YP_002923201.1 COG0697 YP_002923202.1 catalyzes the formation of 3-phosphonooxypyruvate and glutamate from O-phospho-L-serine and 2-oxoglutarate; required both in major phosphorylated pathway of serine biosynthesis and in the biosynthesis of pyridoxine YP_002923203.1 COG0513 YP_002923205.1 COG0041 YP_002923206.1 With PurE catalyzes the conversion of aminoimidazole ribonucleotide to carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide in the de novo purine nucleotide biosynthetic pathway YP_002923207.1 COG0237 YP_002923209.1 weakly similar to Yersinia hypothetical protein YP_002923210.1 COG3108 YP_002923211.1 COG0566 YP_002923212.1 3'-5'exoribonuclease that acts nonspecifically on poly(A), poly(U) and ribosomal RNAs YP_002923213.1 COG0104 YP_002923214.1 COG3103 YP_002923216.1 COG0814 YP_002923217.1 B2 or R2 protein; type 1a enzyme; catalyzes the rate-limiting step in dNTP synthesis; converts nucleotides to deoxynucleotides; forms a homodimer and then a multimeric complex with NrdA YP_002923218.1 Catalyzes the rate-limiting step in dNTP synthesis YP_002923222.1 COG5010 YP_002923223.1 COG2064 YP_002923224.1 COG4965 YP_002923225.1 COG4963 YP_002923227.1 COG4964 YP_002923229.1 N terminal truncation; COG4960 YP_002923231.1 trimeric outer membrane protein involved in efflux of hydrophobic/amphipathic molecules; functions with a number of efflux systems in the inner membrane to transport molecules out of the cell YP_002923232.1 COG2190 YP_002923233.1 Phosphotransferase system, enzyme I; transfers the phosphoryl group from phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to the phosphoryl carrier protein; part of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS), a major carbohydrate active-transport system YP_002923234.1 COG1925 YP_002923235.1 COG0513 YP_002923237.1 COG1185 YP_002923238.1 COG0184 YP_002923239.1 COG0130 YP_002923240.1 role in processing of 16S rRNA; COG0858 YP_002923241.1 COG0532 YP_002923242.1 COG0195 YP_002923243.1 COG0779 YP_002923245.1 COG1314 YP_002923246.1 COG0012 YP_002923247.1 COG0147 YP_002923248.1 COG1989 YP_002923257.1 COG2165 YP_002923259.1 COG1530 YP_002923260.1 catalyzes the formation of N-carbamoyl-L-aspartate from (S)-dihydroorotate in pyrimidine biosynthesis YP_002923261.1 COG0316 YP_002923262.1 COG0536 YP_002923263.1 Murein hydrolase C; membrane-bound; lytic; catalyzes the cleavage of the beta-1,4-glycosidic bond between N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine residues YP_002923264.1 COG2924 YP_002923265.1 COG1194 YP_002923266.1 COG0220 YP_002923267.1 COG0313 YP_002923269.1 COG4942 YP_002923270.1 COG2707 YP_002923271.1 COG0008 YP_002923272.1 COG2901 YP_002923274.1 COG0268 YP_002923275.1 exports sodium by using the electrochemical proton gradient to allow protons into the cell; functions in adaptation to high salinity and alkaline pH; activity increases at higher pH; downregulated at acidic pH YP_002923276.1 COG0484 YP_002923277.1 COG0443 YP_002923278.1 COG0221 YP_002923279.1 catalyzes the conversion of NADPH to NADH YP_002923280.1 negatively controls the expression of fabA and fabB, genes involved in the unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis YP_002923281.1 similar to periplasmic-binding component of ABC transporters YP_002923282.1 similar to permease component of ABC transporters; mutations impair ability of Escherichia coli to transport and utilize glutamine YP_002923283.1 similar to ATP-binding component of ABC transporters YP_002923285.1 N and C terminal truncations YP_002923286.1 PEP carboxykinase; PEP carboxylase; PEPCK; catalyzes the phosphorylation and decarboxylation of oxaloacetate to form phosphoenolpyruvate using ATP YP_002923288.1 COG0254 YP_002923289.1 COG2912 YP_002923290.1 catalyzes the formation of 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-octonate 8-phosphate from phosphoenolpyruvate and D-arabinose 5-phosphate in LPS biosynthesis YP_002923291.1 COG1135 YP_002923292.1 part of the MetNIQ methionine uptake system YP_002923293.1 COG1464 YP_002923295.1 COG0442 YP_002923296.1 COG0463 YP_002923297.1 (p)ppGpp synthetase; catalyzes the formation of pppGpp and ppGpp from ATP and GTP or GDP YP_002923300.1 COG0590 YP_002923304.1 cryptic permease that may be involved in the transport of proline across the inner membrane; in Salmonella typhimurium, the proY gene is silent unless overexpressed on a multicopy plasmid or activated by a proZ mutation YP_002923305.1 COG0302 YP_002923306.1 COG0488 YP_002923311.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923316.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923318.1 COG0630 YP_002923319.1 N terminal truncation; COG2948 YP_002923329.1 COG1487 YP_002923332.1 COG1487 YP_002923335.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923339.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_0438 YP_002923340.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_0437 YP_002923344.1 COG0564 YP_002923345.1 COG1399 YP_002923346.1 COG0333 YP_002923347.1 COG0332 YP_002923348.1 COG0331 YP_002923349.1 COG1028 YP_002923350.1 COG0236 YP_002923351.1 COG0304 YP_002923352.1 COG1559 YP_002923353.1 COG0125 YP_002923354.1 COG0470 YP_002923355.1 COG0084 YP_002923356.1 phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system; catalyzes the phosphorylation of incoming sugar substrates concomitant with their translocation across the cell membrane; IIB is phosphorylated by IIA and then transfers the phosphoryl group to the sugar; IIC forms the translocation channel YP_002923357.1 COG0692 YP_002923358.1 facilitates an early step in the assembly of the 50S subunit of the ribosome YP_002923359.1 COG0670 YP_002923360.1 COG0533 YP_002923361.1 catalyzes the formation of chorismate from 5-O-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis YP_002923362.1 oxidizes malate to oxaloacetate YP_002923363.1 COG2127 YP_002923364.1 COG0542 YP_002923365.1 COG0361 YP_002923367.1 COG2867 YP_002923368.1 COG1825 YP_002923369.1 COG1539 YP_002923374.1 COG0477 YP_002923375.1 possibly linked to resistance to DNA-damage and respiratory uncoupling; COG0589 YP_002923376.1 converts L-glutamate to D-glutamate, a component of peptidoglycan YP_002923378.1 COG1949 YP_002923379.1 COG1162 YP_002923380.1 COG0688 YP_002923381.1 COG3264 YP_002923382.1 lysine--tRNA ligase beta chain; poxA; class II aminoacyl tRNA synthetase; catalyzes a two-step reaction; first charging a lysine molecule by linking the carboxyl group to the alpha-phosphate of ATP; second by transfer of the aminoacyl-adenylate to its tRNA YP_002923383.1 COG2805 YP_002923384.1 COG0325 YP_002923385.1 COG0345 YP_002923386.1 COG1528 YP_002923388.1 COG5339 YP_002923389.1 COG1482 YP_002923390.1 part of multi-chaperone system with DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE; COG0542 YP_002923392.1 COG0802 YP_002923393.1 COG0860 YP_002923394.1 stimulates binding of Vsr and MutS to heteroduplex DNA; COG0323 YP_002923395.1 COG0324 YP_002923396.1 RNA binding, mRNA degradation, stimulates poly(A) polymerase I; COG1923 YP_002923399.1 with HflC, part of modulator for protease specific for FtsH phage lambda cII repressor; COG0330 YP_002923400.1 with HflK, part of modulator for protease specific for FtsH phage lambda cII repressor; with HflK inhibits proteolysis of lambda cII protein by FtsH YP_002923401.1 COG0456 YP_002923402.1 COG3050 YP_002923404.1 COG1007 YP_002923406.1 binding of PriA to forked DNA starts the assembly of the primosome, also possesses 3'-5' helicase activity YP_002923407.1 COG1970 YP_002923408.1 COG0192 YP_002923410.1 COG0461 YP_002923411.1 COG0689 YP_002923412.1 COG1561 YP_002923413.1 S-adenosylmethionine provides the aminopropyl moiety required for spermidine biosynthesis from putrescine YP_002923414.1 catalyzes the formation of spermidine from putrescine and S-adenosylmethioninamine YP_002923415.1 COG1214 YP_002923416.1 C terminal truncation; COG1649 YP_002923417.1 COG0349 YP_002923418.1 modification of heptose region of core; COG0859 YP_002923419.1 COG0425 YP_002923426.1 COG0477 YP_002923427.1 COG4783 YP_002923428.1 COG0029 YP_002923429.1 COG1595 YP_002923430.1 COG3073 YP_002923431.1 COG3026 YP_002923432.1 binds to the ribosome on the universally-conserved alpha-sarcin loop YP_002923433.1 catalyzes the cleavage of the amino-terminal leader peptide from secretory proteins YP_002923434.1 COG0571 YP_002923435.1 COG1159 YP_002923436.1 targets RecA to ssDNA-dsDNA junction; COG1381 YP_002923437.1 COG0668 YP_002923438.1 COG3765 YP_002923439.1 COG1004 YP_002923440.1 with MacA is involved in the export of macrolide YP_002923442.1 confers macrolide resistance via active drug efflux YP_002923443.1 COG1104 YP_002923444.1 COG0494 YP_002923446.1 cytoplasmic protein that may be involved in the utilization of double-stranded DNA as a carbon source YP_002923447.1 involved in high-affinity gluconate transport YP_002923448.1 COG0596 YP_002923449.1 COG0564; (pseudouridines 1911, 1915, 1917 in 23S RNA) YP_002923450.1 with YaeT, NlpB and YfgL forms a complex involved in the proper assembly and/or targeting of OMPs to the outer membrane; involved in resistance to ampicillin and tetracycline YP_002923451.1 COG1544 YP_002923452.1 COG0482 YP_002923453.1 Catalyzes two discrete reactions in the de novo synthesis of purines: the cleavage of adenylosuccinate and succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide YP_002923455.1 COG2938 YP_002923456.1 COG3074 YP_002923465.1 N terminal truncation; COG0582 YP_002923466.1 similar to APSE H protein YP_002923471.1 N terminal truncation; COG5464 YP_002923473.1 COG0238 YP_002923474.1 COG2965 YP_002923475.1 COG0360 YP_002923476.1 COG0164 YP_002923477.1 catalyzes the formation of lipid A disaccharide from UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine and 2,3-diacylglucosamine-1-phosphate, lipid A disaccharide is a precursor of lipid A that anchors LPS to the OM YP_002923478.1 COG1043 YP_002923479.1 COG0764 YP_002923480.1 COG1044 YP_002923481.1 COG2825 YP_002923482.1 part of a complex with YfgL, YfiO, and NlpB involved in outer membrane protein biosynthesis; involved in the assembly of outer membrane proteins YP_002923483.1 COG0750 YP_002923484.1 COG0575 YP_002923485.1 COG0020 YP_002923488.1 catalyzes the formation of carbamoylputrescine from agmatine in the arginine decarboxylase pathway of putrescine biosynthesis YP_002923489.1 COG0388 YP_002923490.1 COG0816 YP_002923491.1 COG1678 YP_002923492.1 COG0189 YP_002923493.1 COG1385 YP_002923494.1 with TbpA and ThiP is part of the thiamine and TPP transport system YP_002923495.1 permease; with TbpA and ThiQ functions in transport of thiamine and thiamine pyrophosphate into the cell; repressed in presence of exogenous thiamine YP_002923496.1 COG4143 YP_002923497.1 COG1459 YP_002923498.1 COG2804 YP_002923499.1 COG4969 YP_002923500.1 glycine--tRNA ligase alpha chain; GlyRS; class II aminoacyl tRNA synthetase; tetramer of alpha(2)beta(2); catalyzes a two-step reaction; first charging a glycine molecule by linking its carboxyl group to the alpha-phosphate of ATP; second by transfer of the aminoacyl-adenylate to its tRNA YP_002923501.1 COG0751 YP_002923504.1 Possible C terminal truncation YP_002923507.1 Possible N terminal truncation YP_002923510.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_0622 YP_002923511.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_0621 YP_002923512.1 COG0307 YP_002923513.1 COG0194 YP_002923514.1 COG1758 YP_002923515.1 COG0317 YP_002923516.1 COG1200 YP_002923517.1 part of GroE chaperone system, mopB; COG0234 YP_002923518.1 part of GroE chaperone system, mopA; COG0459 YP_002923526.1 COG0289 YP_002923527.1 COG1114 YP_002923528.1 COG0018 YP_002923529.1 COG0728 YP_002923530.1 COG0708 YP_002923531.1 COG0616 YP_002923532.1 a small basic protein that is one of the last in the subunit assembly; omission does not prevent assembly but the subunit is inactive; binds central domain of 16S rRNA YP_002923533.1 COG0358 YP_002923534.1 COG0568 YP_002923535.1 COG0364 YP_002923537.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923538.1 involved in transport of zinc(II) with ZnuA and C YP_002923539.1 COG1121 YP_002923540.1 COG4531 YP_002923541.1 COG0739 YP_002923542.1 Transfers myristate or laurate, activated on ACP, to the lipid IVA moiety of (KDO)2-(lauroyl)-lipid IVA YP_002923543.1 COG0494 YP_002923544.1 COG0167 YP_002923545.1 COG0116,COG1092 YP_002923546.1 Uup; in Escherichia coli this cytoplasmic protein was shown to contain ATPase activity; mutations in this gene affect RecA-independent excision of transposons and affects Mu bacteriophage growth YP_002923552.1 Transcription regulator that can both activate or repress expression YP_002923555.1 COG3133 YP_002923556.1 COG0259 YP_002923557.1 catalyzes the formation of tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) from tyrosine and tRNA(Tyr) YP_002923558.1 COG0768 YP_002923559.1 COG0772 YP_002923560.1 COG1686 YP_002923561.1 COG2921 YP_002923562.1 COG0321 YP_002923563.1 catalyzes the radical-mediated insertion of two sulfur atoms into an acyl carrier protein (ACP) bound to an octanoyl group to produce a lipoyl group YP_002923564.1 COG0305 YP_002923565.1 COG0787 YP_002923566.1 COG0833 YP_002923567.1 COG0531 YP_002923568.1 COG0328 YP_002923569.1 3'-5' exonuclease of DNA polymerase III YP_002923572.1 COG0150 YP_002923573.1 COG0299 YP_002923574.1 COG1670 YP_002923575.1 COG0128 YP_002923576.1 COG0283 YP_002923577.1 COG0539 YP_002923578.1 COG0776 YP_002923580.1 COG0253 YP_002923581.1 COG0210 YP_002923583.1 COG0691 YP_002923584.1 COG0181 YP_002923585.1 COG1587 YP_002923586.1 COG2959 YP_002923587.1 C terminal truncation; COG3071 YP_002923589.1 C terminal truncation, possibly with HDEF_0709 YP_002923590.1 N terminal truncation, possibly with HDEF_0708; COG3468 YP_002923591.1 COG0086 YP_002923592.1 DNA-dependent RNA polymerase catalyzes the transcription of DNA into RNA using the four ribonucleoside triphosphates as substrates; beta subunit is part of the catalytic core which binds with a sigma factor to produce the holoenzyme YP_002923593.1 COG0222 YP_002923594.1 COG0244 YP_002923595.1 COG0081 YP_002923596.1 COG0080 YP_002923597.1 COG0250 YP_002923598.1 forms a complex with SecY and SecG; SecYEG forms a protein-conducting channel to which secA binds and translocates targeted polypeptides across the cytoplasmic membrane, a process driven by ATP and a proton-motive force YP_002923599.1 EF-Tu; promotes GTP-dependent binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to the A-site of ribosomes during protein biosynthesis; when the tRNA anticodon matches the mRNA codon, GTP hydrolysis results; the inactive EF-Tu-GDP leaves the ribosome and release of GDP is promoted by elongation factor Ts; many prokaryotes have two copies of the gene encoding EF-Tu YP_002923600.1 EF-G; promotes GTP-dependent translocation of the ribosome during translation; many organisms have multiple copies of this gene YP_002923601.1 COG0049 YP_002923602.1 COG0048 YP_002923603.1 interrupted by GII intron; COG0176 YP_002923606.1 COG4582 YP_002923608.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923610.1 interrupted by GII intron; COG5464 YP_002923611.1 COG0776 YP_002923618.1 COG4226 YP_002923619.1 COG1961 YP_002923625.1 COG0105 YP_002923627.1 23S rRNA m2A2503 methyltransferase; methylates the C2 position of the A2530 nucleotide in 23S rRNA; may be involved in antibiotic resistance YP_002923628.1 COG3063 YP_002923629.1 COG0821 YP_002923630.1 COG0124 YP_002923631.1 COG2976 YP_002923632.1 with YaeT, YfiO, and NlpB forms a complex involved in outer membrane protein biogenesis YP_002923633.1 COG1160 YP_002923640.1 catalyzes a two-step reaction, first charging a glutamine molecule by linking its carboxyl group to the alpha-phosphate of ATP, followed by transfer of the aminoacyl-adenylate to its tRNA YP_002923641.1 CTP synthase; cytidine triphosphate synthetase; catalyzes the ATP-dependent amination of UTP to CTP with either L-glutamine or ammonia as the source of nitrogen; in Escherichia coli this enzyme forms a homotetramer YP_002923642.1 COG0148 YP_002923643.1 COG0603 YP_002923644.1 COG3115 YP_002923645.1 COG0272 YP_002923647.1 COG2911 YP_002923648.1 COG0729 YP_002923649.1 hydrolyzes P(1),P(4)-bis(5'-adenosyl) tetraphosphate to form 2 ADP YP_002923650.1 COG0030 YP_002923651.1 COG1995 YP_002923652.1 involved in maturation of outer membrane proteins; COG0760 YP_002923653.1 determines N-hexane tolerance and is involved in outer membrane permeability YP_002923655.1 COG0111 YP_002923656.1 COG0136 YP_002923657.1 COG0101 YP_002923658.1 COG0586 YP_002923659.1 COG0777 YP_002923660.1 COG0285 YP_002923661.1 COG3147 YP_002923662.1 COG1286 YP_002923663.1 Catalyzes first step of the de novo purine nucleotide biosynthetic pathway YP_002923664.1 COG0163 YP_002923665.1 COG0607 YP_002923666.1 COG1952 YP_002923667.1 COG1045,COG0240 YP_002923668.1 COG2960 YP_002923669.1 COG2870 YP_002923670.1 COG0359 YP_002923672.1 COG2834 YP_002923673.1 decatenates newly replicated chromosomal DNA and relaxes positive and negative DNA supercoiling YP_002923675.1 COG0188 YP_002923676.1 COG0204 YP_002923677.1 catalyzes the formation of phosphoenolpyruvate from pyruvate YP_002923679.1 COG1555 YP_002923680.1 COG0760 YP_002923681.1 COG0466 YP_002923682.1 COG1219 YP_002923683.1 COG0740 YP_002923684.1 COG0544 YP_002923687.1 COG2264 YP_002923688.1 mediates high affinitiy panthothenate transport which is stimulated by the presence of sodium ions; member of SSS family of sodium/solute symporters; the imported panthothenate is phosphorylated by panthothenate kinase YP_002923689.1 COG3924 YP_002923692.1 COG0512 YP_002923693.1 COG1560 YP_002923695.1 COG1278 YP_002923696.1 COG0664 YP_002923697.1 COG0497 YP_002923698.1 COG2913 YP_002923699.1 COG0196 YP_002923700.1 COG0060 YP_002923701.1 COG0597 YP_002923702.1 COG1047 YP_002923703.1 COG0761 YP_002923710.1 catalyzes the transfer of the second heptose to the heptosyl-KDO2 moiety of the lipopolysaccharide inner core YP_002923711.1 COG0859 YP_002923716.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_0849 YP_002923717.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_0848 YP_002923721.1 COG5393 YP_002923722.1 COG4575 YP_002923723.1 COG0586 YP_002923724.1 COG0463 YP_002923725.1 Bifunctional polymyxin resistance arnA protein; catalyzes the decarboxylation of UDP-glucuronic acid to UDP-4-keto-arabinose and the addition of a formyl group to UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose to form UDP-L-4-formamido-arabinose; active in certain mutant strains YP_002923726.1 COG0726 YP_002923727.1 catalyzes the addition of 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose to lipid A YP_002923728.1 COG0697 YP_002923729.1 COG0697 YP_002923730.1 bifunctional periplasmic enzyme; contains transglycosylase and transpeptidase activity; major enzyme for peptidoglycan biosynthesis in Escherichia coli; transmembrane protein; forms dimers; three variants, one of which may be a degradation product, while the other appears to result from an alternative initiation site, are found within the cell YP_002923731.1 COG0749 YP_002923733.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923734.1 catalyzes de novo synthesis of phosphatidylserine from CDP-diacylglycerol and L-serine which leads eventually to the production of phosphatidylethanolamine; bounds to the ribosome YP_002923736.1 COG0173 YP_002923737.1 COG0217 YP_002923738.1 COG0817 YP_002923740.1 COG3916 YP_002923741.1 COG2771 YP_002923742.1 catalyzes the formation of 2-(formamido)-N1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine from N2-formyl-N1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide and L-glutamine in purine biosynthesis YP_002923743.1 COG0308 YP_002923744.1 catalyzes a two-step reaction, first charging an asparagine molecule by linking its carboxyl group to the alpha-phosphate of ATP, followed by transfer of the aminoacyl-adenylate to its tRNA YP_002923750.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923752.1 COG4570 YP_002923762.1 COG4228 YP_002923763.1 N terminal truncation; COG3299 YP_002923769.1 COG0270 YP_002923771.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923772.1 N terminal truncation; COG5464 YP_002923783.1 COG2801 YP_002923784.1 COG2963 YP_002923785.1 N terminal truncation; COG3316 YP_002923787.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923788.1 C terminal truncation; COG1961 YP_002923789.1 N and C terminal truncations; COG1961 YP_002923792.1 N terminal truncation; COG4644 YP_002923796.1 COG3514 YP_002923797.1 COG2929 YP_002923803.1 COG3668 YP_002923804.1 COG3905 YP_002923808.1 COG0741 YP_002923813.1 COG4456 YP_002923826.1 COG1487 YP_002923828.1 N and C terminal truncations YP_002923830.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923831.1 C terminus, interrupted by GII intron YP_002923833.1 N terminus, interrupted by GII intron YP_002923834.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923839.1 COG4197 YP_002923851.1 COG0863 YP_002923853.1 COG3772 YP_002923857.1 COG1403 YP_002923859.1 COG3636 YP_002923860.1 COG3657 YP_002923865.1 COG2367 YP_002923869.1 COG0393 YP_002923872.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923876.1 COG5499 YP_002923877.1 COG4680 YP_002923882.1 catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine (preQ0) to 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine (preQ1) in queuosine biosynthesis YP_002923883.1 COG1961 YP_002923884.1 COG4634 YP_002923885.1 COG2442 YP_002923886.1 COG3547 YP_002923887.1 COG3547 YP_002923888.1 N terminal truncation; COG4644 YP_002923889.1 N terminal truncation; COG3547 YP_002923890.1 N terminal truncation; COG3547 YP_002923897.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923903.1 COG4710 YP_002923904.1 COG2026 YP_002923907.1 COG0286 YP_002923909.1 COG4115 YP_002923910.1 Antitoxin that counteracts the effect of the YoeB toxin YP_002923921.1 N terminal truncation; COG1192 YP_002923928.1 COG2801 YP_002923929.1 COG2801 YP_002923930.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923933.1 COG2801 YP_002923934.1 N and C terminal truncations; COG2801 YP_002923935.1 C terminal truncation; COG0550 YP_002923940.1 COG3668 YP_002923941.1 responsible for recognizing base lesions in the genome and initiating base excision DNA repair YP_002923942.1 similar to pHD5AT gene HDEF_p0006; COG2850 YP_002923951.1 N terminal truncation; COG5464 YP_002923954.1 N terminal truncation; COG1961 YP_002923955.1 C terminal truncation, similar to pHD5AT gene HDEF_p0006; COG2850 YP_002923956.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923957.1 N terminal truncation; COG4644 YP_002923959.1 C terminal truncation; COG1961 YP_002923962.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923963.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923964.1 COG2963 YP_002923965.1 COG2801 YP_002923966.1 C terminal truncation YP_002923967.1 N terminal truncation YP_002923970.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_1158 and HDEF_1159 YP_002923971.1 Possible C and N terminal truncations with HDEF_1157 and HDEF_1159 YP_002923972.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_1157 and HDEF_1158 YP_002923973.1 COG0778 YP_002923975.1 COG0776 YP_002923977.1 COG3727 YP_002923988.1 COG3744 YP_002923989.1 COG4118 YP_002923990.1 COG3636 YP_002923995.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924003.1 COG1896 YP_002924007.1 COG0132 YP_002924008.1 COG0500 YP_002924009.1 COG0156 YP_002924010.1 COG0502 YP_002924011.1 involved in the transport of lipid A across the inner membrane YP_002924015.1 COG4230 YP_002924017.1 COG0591 YP_002924020.1 weak similarity to C terminus of orgAb YP_002924023.1 COG4669 YP_002924031.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924032.1 COG0071 YP_002924036.1 COG0741 YP_002924038.1 COG3041 YP_002924039.1 COG3077 YP_002924041.1 COG2963 YP_002924042.1 COG2801 YP_002924048.1 Responsible for the low-affinity transport of potassium into the cell; involved in potassium ion uptake under hyper-osmotic stress at a low pH YP_002924056.1 COG0169 YP_002924057.1 COG1187 YP_002924058.1 COG2706 YP_002924060.1 COG0408 YP_002924061.1 COG0102 YP_002924062.1 COG0103 YP_002924063.1 activator of transcription for bacteriophage P1 late genes; COG0625 YP_002924064.1 COG2969 YP_002924071.1 COG1220 YP_002924072.1 heat shock protein involved in degradation of misfolded proteins YP_002924073.1 COG3087 YP_002924074.1 COG1113 YP_002924075.1 COG0157 YP_002924076.1 COG3022 YP_002924077.1 COG0415 YP_002924078.1 COG0327 YP_002924079.1 COG0172 YP_002924082.1 COG1570 YP_002924087.1 COG0474 YP_002924088.1 COG1278 YP_002924089.1 COG3009 YP_002924090.1 COG3008 YP_002924091.1 COG2995 YP_002924094.1 N terminal truncation; COG3468 YP_002924099.1 N terminal truncation; COG3468 YP_002924100.1 Sms; stabilizes the strand-invasion intermediate during the DNA repair; involved in recombination of donor DNA and plays an important role in DNA damage repair after exposure to mutagenic agents YP_002924103.1 COG0500 YP_002924104.1 COG0500 YP_002924105.1 COG1048 YP_002924106.1 COG0743 YP_002924107.1 COG0233 YP_002924108.1 COG0528 YP_002924109.1 COG0264 YP_002924110.1 COG0052 YP_002924111.1 catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine YP_002924113.1 COG5464 YP_002924114.1 responsible for recognizing base lesions in the genome and initiating base excision DNA repair YP_002924125.1 COG1961 YP_002924140.1 COG0071 YP_002924151.1 C terminal truncation YP_002924158.1 N terminal truncation; COG5464 YP_002924159.1 N terminus, interrupted by GII intron; COG0371 YP_002924162.1 COG1396 YP_002924164.1 C terminal truncation; COG5464 YP_002924165.1 COG0454 YP_002924166.1 COG4453 YP_002924168.1 COG0323 YP_002924173.1 COG2337 YP_002924174.1 COG2336 YP_002924175.1 COG1961 YP_002924180.1 COG0229 YP_002924183.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_1404 and HDEF_1405 YP_002924184.1 Possible C and N terminal truncations with HDEF_1403 and HDEF_1405 YP_002924185.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_1403 and HDEF_1404 YP_002924189.1 COG0776 YP_002924190.1 N terminal truncation; COG5464 YP_002924192.1 C terminus, interrupted by GII intron YP_002924198.1 COG0741 YP_002924207.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924213.1 C terminal truncation; COG4653 YP_002924214.1 COG3740 YP_002924215.1 COG4695 YP_002924221.1 COG3077 YP_002924222.1 COG3041 YP_002924225.1 COG1403 YP_002924233.1 COG3772 YP_002924237.1 C terminal truncation; COG0388 YP_002924242.1 N and C terminal truncations; COG0158 YP_002924246.1 COG5464 YP_002924250.1 COG5464 YP_002924251.1 COG0265 YP_002924252.1 C terminal truncation; COG3109 YP_002924253.1 Involved in the cleavage of a C-terminal peptide of 11 residues from the precursor form of penicillin-binding protein 3 YP_002924254.1 COG0501 YP_002924255.1 COG3023 YP_002924256.1 COG3023 YP_002924257.1 COG0501 YP_002924258.1 Involved in the cleavage of a C-terminal peptide of 11 residues from the precursor form of penicillin-binding protein 3 YP_002924259.1 C terminal truncation; COG3109 YP_002924260.1 COG0265 YP_002924261.1 forms a homotetramer; requires magnesium for activity; catalyzes the hydrolysis of dGTP to form deoxyguanosine and triphosphate YP_002924262.1 enables the cleavage of the glycosidic bond in both 5'-methylthioadenosine and S-adenosylhomocysteine YP_002924263.1 COG0278 YP_002924264.1 Responsible for the end-turnover of tRNA: specifically removes the terminal AMP residue from uncharged tRNA (tRNA-C-C-A) YP_002924265.1 C terminal truncation YP_002924269.1 COG1450 YP_002924271.1 COG4789 YP_002924273.1 Invasion protein InvC; necessary for efficient entry of S.typhimurium into cultured epithelial cells. Probable catalytic subunit of a protein translocase YP_002924275.1 weakly similar and syntenic to spaN of SPI-1 YP_002924278.1 part of a type III secretory system probably involved in invasion into eukaryotic cells YP_002924279.1 COG4794 YP_002924280.1 COG4791 YP_002924281.1 Required for surface presentation of invasion plasmid antigens; required for invasion and for secretion of the three ipa proteins YP_002924282.1 COG0457 YP_002924287.1 COG0188 YP_002924288.1 COG2227 YP_002924289.1 catalyzes the formation of dTDP-D-fucosamine from dTDP-4-oxo-6-deoxy-D-glucose in enterobacterial common antigen biosynthesis YP_002924291.1 COG1495 YP_002924292.1 COG0776 YP_002924293.1 catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine (preQ0) to 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine (preQ1) in queuosine biosynthesis YP_002924295.1 catalyzes the formation of agmatine from arginine in putrescine and spermidine biosynthesis YP_002924296.1 COG0021 YP_002924298.1 COG2197 YP_002924299.1 The UvrABC repair system catalyzes the recognition and processing of DNA lesions. UvrC both incises the 5' and 3' sides of the lesion. The N-terminal half is responsible for the 3' incision and the C-terminal half is responsible for the 5' incision YP_002924300.1 COG0558 YP_002924303.1 COG0629 YP_002924305.1 COG0617 YP_002924306.1 catalyzes the formation of glycerone phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate from fructose 1,6, bisphosphate YP_002924307.1 COG0126 YP_002924308.1 COG2062 YP_002924309.1 COG0215 YP_002924311.1 COG2908 YP_002924312.1 COG0526 YP_002924315.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924321.1 N terminal truncation; COG5464 YP_002924322.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924327.1 N terminal truncation; COG5525 YP_002924331.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924333.1 COG2963 YP_002924340.1 similar to APSE protein P47 YP_002924343.1 C terminal truncation, similar to APSE protein P43; COG3617 YP_002924345.1 C terminal truncation YP_002924346.1 C terminal truncation; COG3561 YP_002924351.1 COG1525 YP_002924355.1 COG0814 YP_002924356.1 COG0177 YP_002924358.1 COG0340 YP_002924359.1 COG0812 YP_002924360.1 COG2890 YP_002924366.1 COG1722 YP_002924367.1 COG0142 YP_002924368.1 COG1154 YP_002924370.1 COG1008 YP_002924371.1 Catalyzes the transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone YP_002924372.1 Catalyzes the transfer of electrons from NADH to quinone YP_002924373.1 COG0839 YP_002924374.1 Catalyzes the transfer of electrons from NADH to quinone YP_002924375.1 Catalyzes the transfer of electrons from NADH to quinone YP_002924376.1 Catalyzes the transfer of electrons from NADH to quinone YP_002924378.1 COG1126 YP_002924379.1 COG0556 YP_002924380.1 COG1734 YP_002924381.1 COG0617 YP_002924382.1 COG0801 YP_002924383.1 COG0845 YP_002924384.1 COG0841 YP_002924386.1 COG0262 YP_002924388.1 This protein performs the mismatch recognition step during the DNA repair process YP_002924390.1 when combined with S-adenosylmethionine represses the expression of the methionine regulon and of proteins involved in S-adenosylmethionine synthesis YP_002924391.1 COG0382 YP_002924392.1 COG3161 YP_002924394.1 COG0180 YP_002924396.1 COG2771 YP_002924397.1 COG0036 YP_002924398.1 COG0338 YP_002924400.1 COG0337 YP_002924401.1 COG0703 YP_002924402.1 COG1718 YP_002924403.1 COG0280,COG0857 YP_002924404.1 COG0282 YP_002924406.1 COG0582 YP_002924408.1 COG0553 YP_002924432.1 COG3772 YP_002924448.1 COG5525 YP_002924449.1 COG0582 YP_002924450.1 N terminal truncation; COG0553 YP_002924462.1 C terminal truncation YP_002924464.1 COG0568 YP_002924465.1 COG0739 YP_002924466.1 COG0245 YP_002924467.1 COG1211 YP_002924468.1 COG2919 YP_002924469.1 COG0720 YP_002924470.1 COG0009 YP_002924471.1 COG0242 YP_002924472.1 COG0223 YP_002924473.1 COG0144 YP_002924474.1 COG0569 YP_002924475.1 COG2183 YP_002924476.1 COG0001 YP_002924477.1 functions in MreBCD complex in some organisms YP_002924478.1 COG1792 YP_002924479.1 part of cell wall structural complex MreBCD; transmembrane component YP_002924480.1 COG1530 YP_002924481.1 responsible for the proteolytic maturation of the E. coli pMccB17 plasmid-encoded microcin B17, an exported protein that targets the essential topoisomerase II DNA gyrase; degrades the E. coli plasmid F-encoded CcdA YP_002924482.1 COG0586 YP_002924483.1 COG2226 YP_002924484.1 COG3165 YP_002924485.1 COG0661 YP_002924486.1 COG1826 YP_002924487.1 COG0805 YP_002924488.1 catalyzes the formation of (R)-4'-phosphopantothenate in coenzyme A biosynthesis YP_002924489.1 transcriptional regulator of replication and housekeeping genes; COG0593 YP_002924490.1 COG0592 YP_002924491.1 negatively supercoils closed circular double-stranded DNA YP_002924492.1 COG0565 YP_002924493.1 COG0483 YP_002924494.1 COG0114 YP_002924495.1 3 different subfamilies; catalyzes the formation of quinolinate from iminoaspartate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate YP_002924498.1 COG0576 YP_002924499.1 COG0061 YP_002924501.1 COG2823 YP_002924502.1 COG0279 YP_002924503.1 COG0792 YP_002924505.1 COG0142 YP_002924508.1 COG3423 YP_002924509.1 COG4635 YP_002924510.1 COG0583 YP_002924511.1 catalyzes the ATP-dependent breakage of single-stranded DNA followed by passage and rejoining, maintains net negative superhelicity YP_002924512.1 SohB; periplasmic protein; member of the peptidase S49 family YP_002924513.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924514.1 COG4161 YP_002924515.1 COG0834 YP_002924516.1 with ArtPMJI transports arginine across the inner membrane YP_002924517.1 with ArtPQJI acts to transport arginine across the inner membrane YP_002924519.1 COG0842 YP_002924520.1 COG1131 YP_002924521.1 COG0774 YP_002924522.1 COG0206 YP_002924523.1 COG0849 YP_002924524.1 COG1589 YP_002924525.1 COG1181 YP_002924526.1 COG0773 YP_002924527.1 COG0707 YP_002924528.1 integral membrane protein involved in stabilizing FstZ ring during cell division YP_002924529.1 COG0771 YP_002924530.1 COG0472 YP_002924531.1 COG0770 YP_002924532.1 COG0769 YP_002924533.1 COG0768 YP_002924534.1 membrane bound cell division protein at septum containing leucine zipper motif YP_002924535.1 COG0275 YP_002924536.1 COG2001 YP_002924537.1 activator for leuABCD operon; member of LysR family of transcriptional activators YP_002924544.1 N terminal truncation; COG2198 YP_002924545.1 regulates capsule biosynthesis, cell division genes, OsmC expression, repressor of flhDC operon (LuxR/UhpA familiy); two-component response regulator RscB regulates the genes involved in capsule biosynthesis and cell division; probably phosphorylated by RcsC or RcsF YP_002924546.1 regulates genes involved in folding/degrading periplasmic proteins (OmpR family; COG0745 YP_002924547.1 COG0219 YP_002924548.1 COG2949 YP_002924549.1 malic enzyme; oxaloacetate-decarboxylating; NAD-dependent; catalyzes the formation of pyruvate form malate YP_002924550.1 COG0143 YP_002924551.1 COG0489 YP_002924553.1 catalyzes the transfer of 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid to lipid A YP_002924554.1 COG0463 YP_002924555.1 COG0669 YP_002924558.1 COG0178 YP_002924559.1 COG1485 YP_002924560.1 COG3105 YP_002924561.1 COG0265 YP_002924562.1 COG0814 YP_002924563.1 phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent, sugar transporting phosphotransferase system; catalyzes the phosphorylation of incoming sugar substrates concomitant with their translocation across the cell membrane; IIA is phosphorylated by phospho-HP which then transfers the phosphoryl group to the IIB componentr YP_002924564.1 COG1105 YP_002924565.1 phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system; catalyzes the phosphorylation of incoming sugar substrates concomitant with their translocation across the cell membrane; IIB is phosphorylated by IIA and then transfers the phosphoryl group to the sugar; IIC forms the translocation channel YP_002924566.1 COG0436 YP_002924567.1 COG0441 YP_002924568.1 COG0290 YP_002924569.1 COG0291 YP_002924570.1 COG0292 YP_002924572.1 COG0016 YP_002924573.1 COG0072 YP_002924574.1 COG0776 YP_002924575.1 acts with MukB and MukE to condense the chromosome and allow for segregation during cell division YP_002924576.1 acts with MukB and MukF to condense the chromosome and allow for segregation during cell division YP_002924577.1 SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes) family of proteins; involved in chromosome condensatin and partitioning; forms a homodimer and the C-terminal is essential for DNA-binding activity while the purified N-terminal domain binds FtsZ; mutations result in cell division defects YP_002924578.1 COG2989 YP_002924579.1 COG0339 YP_002924580.1 catalyzes the formation of (S)-2-(5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4- carboxamido)succinate from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate and L-aspartate in purine biosynthesis; SAICAR synthase YP_002924581.1 COG3317 YP_002924582.1 COG0329 YP_002924583.1 COG0203 YP_002924584.1 COG0202 YP_002924585.1 COG0522 YP_002924586.1 COG0100 YP_002924587.1 COG0099 YP_002924588.1 COG0257 YP_002924589.1 forms heterotrimeric complex in the membrane; in bacteria the complex consists of SecY which forms the channel pore and SecE and SecG; the SecG subunit is not essential; in bacteria translocation is driven via the SecA ATPase YP_002924590.1 COG0200 YP_002924591.1 COG1841 YP_002924592.1 COG0098 YP_002924593.1 COG0256 YP_002924594.1 COG0097 YP_002924595.1 COG0096 YP_002924596.1 COG0199 YP_002924597.1 COG0094 YP_002924598.1 COG0198 YP_002924599.1 COG0093 YP_002924600.1 COG0186 YP_002924601.1 COG0255 YP_002924602.1 located in the peptidyl transferase center and may be involved in peptidyl transferase activity; similar to archaeal L10e YP_002924603.1 COG0092 YP_002924604.1 COG0091 YP_002924605.1 COG0185 YP_002924606.1 one of the primary rRNA-binding proteins; required for association of the 30S and 50S subunits to form the 70S ribosome, for tRNA binding and peptide bond formation YP_002924607.1 COG0089 YP_002924608.1 L4 is important during the early stages of 50S assembly; it initially binds near the 5' end of the 23S rRNA YP_002924609.1 COG0087 YP_002924610.1 COG0051 YP_002924611.1 COG0609 YP_002924612.1 C terminal truncation YP_002924615.1 C terminal truncation YP_002924616.1 COG1918 YP_002924617.1 cytoplasmic membrane ferrous uptake system permease; mutations disrupt the ability of Escherichia coli to take up ferrous iron; GTP-binding protein which requires GTP for efficient iron(II) uptake YP_002924621.1 COG0372 YP_002924622.1 COG2009 YP_002924623.1 COG2142 YP_002924624.1 part of four member succinate dehydrogenase enzyme complex that forms a trimeric complex (trimer of tetramers); SdhA/B are the catalytic subcomplex and can exhibit succinate dehydrogenase activity in the absence of SdhC/D which are the membrane components and form cytochrome b556; SdhC binds ubiquinone; oxidizes succinate to fumarate while reducing ubiquinone to ubiquinol YP_002924625.1 COG0479 YP_002924626.1 SucA; E1 component of the oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex which catalyzes the formation of succinyl-CoA from 2-oxoglutarate; SucA catalyzes the reaction of 2-oxoglutarate with dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase-lipoate to form dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase-succinyldihydrolipoate and carbon dioxide YP_002924627.1 COG0508 YP_002924628.1 COG0045 YP_002924629.1 COG0074 YP_002924632.1 COG0205 YP_002924633.1 Involved in peptide bond synthesis; alters the affinity of the ribosome for aminoacyl-tRNA YP_002924634.1 COG1509 YP_002924635.1 COG0190 YP_002924636.1 catalyzes the formation of L-threonine from O-phospho-L-homoserine YP_002924637.1 catalyzes the formation of O-phospho-L-homoserine from L-homoserine in threonine biosynthesis from asparate YP_002924638.1 multifunctional homotetrameric enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylation of aspartate to form aspartyl-4-phosphate as well as conversion of aspartate semialdehyde to homoserine; functions in a number of amino acid biosynthetic pathways YP_002924639.1 COG0745 YP_002924642.1 MutH; Sequence-specific endonuclease that cleaves unmethylated GATC sequences during DNA repair YP_002924645.1 COG5006 YP_002924646.1 COG1249 YP_002924647.1 controls initiation of DNA replication by inhibiting re-initiation of replication, promotes hydrolysis of DnaA-bound ATP YP_002924650.1 COG2003 YP_002924651.1 COG0227 YP_002924652.1 COG0267 YP_002924653.1 COG0682 YP_002924654.1 COG0207 YP_002924655.1 COG2920 YP_002924656.1 COG2925 YP_002924657.1 COG0635 YP_002924658.1 COG0127 YP_002924659.1 COG0762 YP_002924661.1 COG0516 YP_002924662.1 COG0519 YP_002924663.1 COG1267 YP_002924664.1 COG0611 YP_002924665.1 COG0781 YP_002924666.1 COG0054 YP_002924669.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_1936 YP_002924672.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_1933 YP_002924675.1 COG2255 YP_002924676.1 COG0632 YP_002924677.1 COG0540 YP_002924678.1 COG1660 YP_002924679.1 COG1762 YP_002924680.1 COG1137 YP_002924681.1 COG1934 YP_002924682.1 COG3117 YP_002924683.1 COG1778 YP_002924684.1 COG0794 YP_002924685.1 COG1127 YP_002924686.1 COG0767 YP_002924687.1 COG1463 YP_002924688.1 resistance to organic solvents, auxiliary component; COG2854 YP_002924689.1 COG5007 YP_002924690.1 COG0766 YP_002924691.1 COG0288 YP_002924692.1 C terminal truncation YP_002924694.1 COG1538 YP_002924695.1 COG0845 YP_002924696.1 COG1109 YP_002924697.1 COG0294 YP_002924698.1 COG0465 YP_002924699.1 COG0293 YP_002924700.1 COG0782 YP_002924701.1 COG1076 YP_002924702.1 COG1666 YP_002924710.1 similar to APSE protein P47 YP_002924721.1 COG2155 YP_002924722.1 COG1052 YP_002924724.1 COG1028 YP_002924725.1 COG0843 YP_002924727.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924729.1 N terminus, interrupted by GII intron YP_002924731.1 C terminus, interrupted by GII intron YP_002924732.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924733.1 N and C terminal truncations YP_002924734.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924735.1 COG0486 YP_002924736.1 functions to insert inner membrane proteins into the IM in Escherichia coli; interacts with transmembrane segments; functions in both Sec-dependent and -independent membrane insertion; similar to Oxa1p in mitochondria YP_002924737.1 COG0759 YP_002924738.1 COG0594 YP_002924739.1 COG0230 YP_002924743.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_2017 YP_002924744.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_2016 YP_002924745.1 COG0042 YP_002924748.1 C terminus, interrupted by GII intron YP_002924750.1 N terminus, interrupted by GII intron YP_002924752.1 COG0472 YP_002924753.1 COG1158 YP_002924755.1 COG0138 YP_002924756.1 COG0151 YP_002924757.1 COG0168 YP_002924758.1 COG0495 YP_002924759.1 COG2980 YP_002924760.1 COG1466 YP_002924761.1 COG1057 YP_002924762.1 sensitivity to phages, colicins; E3 component of pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex; catalyzes the oxidation of dihydrolipoamide to lipoamide YP_002924763.1 COG0508 YP_002924764.1 E1 component; part of pyruvate dehydrogenase; forms a complex with DlaT and LpdC YP_002924768.1 C terminal truncation; COG3561 YP_002924773.1 COG1525 YP_002924775.1 COG2197 YP_002924776.1 COG0788 YP_002924778.1 COG2916 YP_002924779.1 catalyzes the transfer of a phosphatidyl group to phosphodidylglycerol to form cardiolipin (diphosphatidylglycerol) YP_002924782.1 COG2917 YP_002924784.1 catalyzes the formation of 4-aspartyl phosphate from aspartate 4-semialdehyde YP_002924786.1 COG3307 YP_002924787.1 COG0120 YP_002924788.1 COG0111 YP_002924789.1 COG0212 YP_002924790.1 COG3027 YP_002924793.1 COG0354 YP_002924794.1 COG0654 YP_002924795.1 COG2840 YP_002924797.1 catalyzes the formation of 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate and ATP YP_002924798.1 COG0193 YP_002924799.1 COG3070 YP_002924800.1 COG0503 YP_002924801.1 COG2812 YP_002924802.1 COG0718 YP_002924803.1 COG0353 YP_002924807.1 molecular chaperone YP_002924809.1 COG0563 YP_002924810.1 functions in protein export; can interact with acidic membrane phospholipids and the SecYEG protein complex; binds to preproteins; binds to ATP and undergoes a conformational change to promote membrane insertion of SecA/bound preprotein; ATP hydrolysis appears to drive release of the preprotein from SecA and deinsertion of SecA from the membrane; additional proteins SecD/F/YajC aid SecA recycling; exists in an equilibrium between monomers and dimers; may possibly form higher order oligomers; proteins in this cluster correspond SecA1; SecA2 is not essential and seems to play a role in secretion of a subset of proteins YP_002924811.1 COG4701 YP_002924812.1 functions in asparagine biosynthesis; converts glutamine, aspartate, ATP, and water to glutamate, asparagine, pyrophosphate and AMP YP_002924813.1 COG3083 YP_002924814.1 COG0623 YP_002924815.1 COG4167 YP_002924816.1 COG4170 YP_002924817.1 COG4171 YP_002924818.1 COG4168 YP_002924819.1 COG0279 YP_002924820.1 binds with the catalytic core of RNA polymerase to produce the holoenzyme; this sigma factor is responsible for the expression of heat shock promoters YP_002924821.1 NAD(P)H-flavin reductase; catalyzes the reversible oxidation/reduction of NAD(P) and flavine mononucleotide; in Salmonella and E. coli this protein also reduces aquacob(III)alamin to cob(II)alamin YP_002924822.1 COG0043 YP_002924823.1 COG0250 YP_002924824.1 catalyzes the formation of porphobilinogen from 5-aminolevulinate YP_002924825.1 COG3028 YP_002924826.1 COG0754 YP_002924827.1 COG5463 YP_002924828.1 COG2890 YP_002924829.1 COG0216 YP_002924830.1 COG3017 YP_002924831.1 COG1947 YP_002924832.1 COG1823 YP_002924833.1 COG1988 YP_002924834.1 COG1108 YP_002924835.1 COG1108 YP_002924836.1 COG1121 YP_002924837.1 COG0803 YP_002924838.1 COG3021 YP_002924839.1 COG0741 YP_002924840.1 COG0491 YP_002924841.1 COG0500 YP_002924842.1 COG1629 YP_002924843.1 COG3720 YP_002924844.1 COG4558 YP_002924845.1 COG0609 YP_002924846.1 with HmuTU is involved in the transport of hemin YP_002924848.1 C terminal truncation, similar to APSE protein P43; COG3617 YP_002924855.1 COG1192 YP_002924858.1 COG1487 YP_002924860.1 COG1961 YP_002924862.1 COG3547 YP_002924863.1 COG3547 YP_002924870.1 COG2194 YP_002924876.1 COG4691 YP_002924880.1 N terminal truncation; COG3316 YP_002924886.1 COG3514 YP_002924890.1 COG3514 YP_002924894.1 COG3514 YP_002924899.1 COG3948 YP_002924900.1 COG3628 YP_002924906.1 C terminal truncation YP_002924907.1 COG3636 YP_002924908.1 COG3657 YP_002924910.1 COG2369 YP_002924913.1 COG0500 YP_002924915.1 C terminal truncation; COG0371 YP_002924920.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924922.1 COG1872 YP_002924923.1 COG0229 YP_002924924.1 N terminal truncation YP_002924928.1 N terminal truncation; COG5585 YP_002924935.1 N terminal truncation; COG0350 YP_002924936.1 COG1027 YP_002924937.1 member of a type III secretion system which is part of a pathogenicity island in Salmonella, Yersinia and pathogenic Escherichia coli YP_002924938.1 COG4791 YP_002924939.1 COG4794 YP_002924940.1 part of a set of proteins involved in the infection of eukaryotic cells; in plant pathogens involved in the hypersensitivity response YP_002924941.1 COG0704 YP_002924942.1 ATP-binding protein; PstABCS is an ATP dependent phosphate uptake system which is responsible for inorganic phosphate uptake during phosphate starvation YP_002924943.1 Part of the ABC transporter complex PstABCS responsible for inorganic phosphate (Pi) uptake under Pi starvation conditions YP_002924944.1 part of the ATP-dependent phosphate uptake system PstABCS responsible for inorganic phosphate (Pi) uptake under Pi starvation conditions YP_002924945.1 COG0226 YP_002924953.1 outer membrane porin probably involved in uptake of extracellular double-stranded DNA; similar to outer membrane competence protein ComE from Haemophilus influenzae and outer membrane protein PilQ involved in type IV pilus production from Pseudomonas aeruginosa YP_002924955.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_2267 and HDEF_2268 YP_002924956.1 Possible C and N terminal truncations with HDEF_2266 and HDEF_2268 YP_002924957.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_2266 and HDEF_2267 YP_002924958.1 COG2823 YP_002924959.1 COG0613 YP_002924960.1 COG0009 YP_002924961.1 COG1187 YP_002924962.1 COG4108 YP_002924963.1 COG0407 YP_002924964.1 COG3203 YP_002924967.1 C terminal truncation, similar to APSE protein P43 disrupted by IS; COG3617 YP_002924968.1 COG2963 YP_002924969.1 COG2801 YP_002924975.1 COG0716 YP_002924976.1 COG0735 YP_002924978.1 COG0736 YP_002924979.1 involved in the de novo synthesis of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) YP_002924981.1 Possible N terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_2296 and HDEF_2298 YP_002924982.1 Possible C and N terminal truncations with HDEF_2295 and HDEF_2298 YP_002924983.1 Possible C terminal truncation, paired with HDEF_2295 and HDEF_2296 YP_002924985.1 COG1067 YP_002924986.1 catalyzes the dehydration of (3R)-3-hydroxydecanoyl-ACP to 2,3-decenoyl-ACP or 3,4-decenoyl-ACP YP_002924987.1 16S rRNA M2G1207 methyltransferase; one of many enzymes that modify bases of the ribosomal RNA; this enzyme methylates the G at position 1207 of the small ribosomal subunit YP_002924989.1 COG0210 YP_002924990.1 COG0538 YP_002924992.1 ABC transporter membrane protein YP_002924993.1 COG2884 YP_002924994.1 COG0552 YP_002924995.1 COG0742 YP_002924996.1 COG0561 YP_002925001.1 COG0553 YP_002925002.1 COG0452 YP_002925003.1 COG0756 YP_002925004.1 C terminal truncation YP_002925005.1 N terminal truncation YP_002925007.1 N terminal truncation YP_002925008.1 this protein is located at the 30S-50S ribosomal subunit interface and may play a role in the structure and function of the aminoacyl-tRNA binding site YP_002925009.1 COG0336 YP_002925010.1 COG0806 YP_002925011.1 COG0228 YP_002925012.1 COG0541 YP_002925013.1 COG4137 YP_002925014.1 COG4536 YP_002925016.1 COG2918 YP_002925017.1 COG0211 YP_002925018.1 COG0261 YP_002925019.1 COG0355 YP_002925020.1 Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. The beta chain is a regulatory subunit YP_002925021.1 COG0224 YP_002925022.1 COG0056 YP_002925023.1 COG0712 YP_002925024.1 COG0711 YP_002925025.1 Produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton gradient across the membrane. Subunit C is part of the membrane proton channel F0 YP_002925026.1 COG0356 YP_002925027.1 COG0357 YP_002925028.1 GidA; glucose-inhibited cell division protein A; involved in the 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl modification (mnm(5)s(2)U) of the wobble uridine base in some tRNAs YP_002925031.1 COG0323 YP_002925032.1 COG2850 YP_002925033.1 COG1961 YP_002925034.1 COG1487 YP_002925035.1 COG1192 YP_002925039.1 COG0776 YP_002925040.1 COG5464 YP_002925041.1 interrupted by GII intron YP_002925052.1 COG3549 YP_002925053.1 COG3093 YP_002925062.1 COG4643 YP_002925064.1 COG2805 YP_002925067.1 COG0741 YP_002925073.1 COG2804 YP_002925076.1 COG2929 YP_002925077.1 COG3514