-- dump date 20120504_145518 -- class Genbank::CDS -- table cds_note -- id note YP_005828590.1 correct sequence confirmed by PCR and lacks the duplicate TCTTCATT YP_005828716.1 Also called ompP6 YP_005828906.1 Truncated compared to homologs in other bacteria. May be non-functional YP_005828934.1 contains stop codon that encodes for incorporation of selenocysteine YP_005829015.1 partially deleted compared to homologs in other H. influenzae YP_005829016.1 fused and partially deleted loci compared to other H.influenzae species YP_005829032.1 truncated at 5' end compared to homologs in other H. influenzae YP_005829103.1 Fe-S protein involved in methylthiolation of isopentenylated A37 derivatives in tRNA YP_005829116.1 contains stop codon that encodes for incorporation of selenocysteine YP_005829150.1 truncated compared to homologs in other closely related bacteria YP_005829258.1 location the site of variable length deletions in H. influenzae YP_005829501.1 probable pseudogene. Truncated compared to other homologs YP_005829581.1 contains programmed frameshift that is part of its regulation YP_005830023.1 Acetohydroxy acid synthase II (truncated) YP_005830041.1 Involved in maintainance of OM lipid assymmetry with mlaBCDEF