-- dump date 20070608_212959 -- class Genbank::rRNA -- table rrna_note -- id note 4932000003 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: regulation of translational fidelity [goid GO:0006450] [evidence IMP] [pmid 8608449] 4932000005 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000007 go_component: cytosolic small ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005843] [evidence IDA] [pmid 11701127]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000010 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000014 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: regulation of translational fidelity [goid GO:0006450] [evidence IMP] [pmid 8608449] 4932000016 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000018 go_component: cytosolic small ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005843] [evidence IDA] [pmid 11701127]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000021 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000022 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000023 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000024 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000025 go_component: cytosolic large ribosomal subunit (sensu Eukaryota) [goid GO:0005842] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence TAS] [pmid 10690410] 4932000026 go_component: mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit [goid GO:0005763] [evidence ISS] [pmid 6261980]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence ISS] [pmid 6261980]; go_process: ribosome assembly [goid GO:0042255] [evidence IGI] [pmid 2167435]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence IGI] [pmid 6280192] 4932000027 go_component: mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit [goid GO:0005762] [evidence IDA] [pmid 6759872]; go_function: structural constituent of ribosome [goid GO:0003735] [evidence IMP,ISS] [pmid 6759872]; go_process: ribosome assembly [goid GO:0042255] [evidence IMP] [pmid 6759872]; go_process: translation [goid GO:0006412] [evidence IMP,ISS] [pmid 6759872]